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Búsqueda por autor: Hanna, G. (Gila), 1934-
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Explanation and proof in mathematics : philosophical and educational perspectives

Gila Hanna, Hans Niels Jahnke, Helmut Pulte, editors.

New York : Springer, ©2010.

viii, 294 págs. : ilustraciones ; 24 cm.

ISBN: 9781441905758 (hbk.), 1441905758 (hbk.), 1441905766 (ebk.), 9781441905765 (ebk.)

Versiones extendidas de los trabajos presentados en la conferencia realizada en Essen en noviembre de 2006.

Incluye referencias bibliográficas e índice.

Reseña: Zbl, 1196.00025


  • 2. The Conjoint Origin of Proof and Theoretical Physics / Hans Niels Jahnke
  • 3. Lakatos, Lakoff and Núñez: Towards a Satisfactory Definition of Continuity / Teun Koetsier
  • 4. Preaxiomatic Mathematical Reasoning: An Algebraic Approach / Mary Leng
  • 5. Completions, Constructions, and Corollaries / Thomas Mormann
  • 6. Authoritarian Versus Authoritative Teaching: Polya and Lakatos / Brendan Larvor
  • 7. Proofs as Bearers of Mathematical Knowledge / Gila Hanna and Ed Barbeau
  • 8. Mathematicians' Individual Criteria for Accepting Theorems and Proofs: An Empirical Approach / Aiso Heinze.
  • 9. Bridging Knowing and Proving in Mathematics: A Didactical Perspective / Nicolas Balacheff
  • 10. The Long-Term Cognitive Development of Reasoning and Proof / David Tall and Juan Pablo Mejia-Ramos
  • 11. Historical Artefacts, Semiotic Mediation and Teaching Proof / Maria G. Bartolini Bussi
  • 12. Proofs, Semiotics and Artefacts of Information Technologies / Maria Alessandra Mariotti.
  • 13. Proof as Experiment in Wittgenstein / Alfred Nordmann
  • 14. Experimentation and Proof in Mathematics / Michael de Villiers
  • 15. Proof, Mathematical Problem-Solving, and Explanation in Mathematics Teaching / Kazuhiko Nunokawa
  • 16. Evolving Geometric Proofs in the Seventeenth Century: From Icons to Symbols / Evelyne Barbin
  • 17. Proof in the Wording: Two Modalities from Ancient Chinese Algorithms / Karine Chemla.
Registro 006529 · Modificado: 23/02/2016

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